Sheep For Sale 2024

2023 Lambs SOLD OUT-LAMB Reservations EMAIL SOLD OUT of SPRING lambs 2024.
If your looking for a CLOSED FLOCK to start me with your setup and information. I require a proper setup for any ewes, their lambs when born, as well as any rams that you will be purchasing. I give priority to closed flock buyers.

Site Design/Photos/Maintenance by Carol Gomes/Updated December 20, 2023
German shepherd Aulee
(2019) Peatee/Tuco/Monetese/Butch Cassidy (2020) (2021) (2022) Herd Sires: Tuco/Montese/Circle of Rain (2023) (2024)
herd sires beautiful hair coats
herd sire peatee with tuco  and montese
breeding herd sire hair ram

Butch Cassidy/Herd Sire 10 (2018) right at 5 months 137 pounds. (Butcha x Tuco)
Butcha goes back to N1 ewe line and Tuco Herd Sire 9 goes back to N2 Meeka x Peatee (N4). He resembles Peatee on the left, more bone/mass/heavier weight and top growth. His #309 ram lamb (2019) 90.2 pounds at only 3 months, weaned at 2 mos after sharing milk 3 ways. His triplet sisters, #307 and #310 will remain here. Proved him on 1 ewe with buyer waiting.

His sisters will breed back to ram lamb #319 (N4 line). No lustrous genetics in this line. All pure foundation ewes N2/N4 1st X.

white dorper katahdinn peatee
We have 3 fast growing ram lambs (2019) listed below. Lambs were weighed earlier this year during early weaning with so many triplets born. All healthy/good quality.

Circle of Rain/Herd Sire 11 (2019) #300 (Rainbow x Peatee). 92 pounds at 88 days. 164 pounds 6 months. Large robust ram extemely thick and heavy. Ewe lambs 2021 2022 2023

White Cloud Sire 12 (2019) #316/New Tag #350 (Foursome x Tuco) #316 was 103 pounds 3 months 10 days. N4 gorgeous BRIGHT white coat. Out of sire Tuco dam /N2 line with no lustrous genetics. SOLD May 11, 2021 Previous Buyer with new TAG #350

Belladon Herd Sire 13 #301 (Big Bell x Tuco) #301 was 91 pounds at 88 days early growth and muscle mass with N4 and Tuco out of Meeka N2 line with no lustrous genetics. SOLD
with triplet ewes spring 2021.
SOLD January 22, 2021 Tag #301